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Eudaimonia with Dialog+

Writer's pictureSebastian Schaffer

Keeping COVID-19 At Bay During Dialysis

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Until early February 2020, I only would wear face masks occasionally, e.g. when coming down with a simple cold. Since March, face masks have been mandatory at my dialysis center. So far so good. For the past 3 weeks, we are now required to additionally wear a face shield. Although I understand the rationale behind this request, I don't like the face shield that much - for the simple reason that it always fogs up, making it thus difficult to read or watch YouTube videos. Yet another reason that this pandemic should hopefully come to an end soon - if global infection numbers would just look better.....

The nurses, in contrast, are required to wear full PPE. I can't possibly imagine how they must feel every day taking care of normal and COVID-19 patients requiring dialysis. Thank goodness.

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